Welcome to
A Writer Reads
You have arrived, by intention or by chance, at A Writer Reads, the companion site to my podcast of the same name. The podcast is a serial reading of my unpublished novel, An Adequate Vocabulary. Although the title of this website appends “From the Written Word to the Author’s Voice,” if you want to hear my voice in toto, you will have to visit my podcast, since this site only includes excerpts. I invite you to listen in, and to return here to let me know what you think, or to join the more general Conversation.
The Conversation is an open forum, moderated before publication, through which you may provide feedback, comments or critiques of a podcast Episode or previously posted comments. Each week, after a new A Writer Reads podcast airs, I will post a thumbnail summary of the week’s episode, along with an audio excerpt (soundbite). Visitors to this site are encouraged to read the post, and add comments, reply to previous comments, or introduce an entirely different line of discussion if that is your desire. My intention is to create an active conversation between myself and my listeners, where we can swap ideas and insights, in a frank but constructive manner. I am not seeking phatic praise, nor is this a place for politics, vitriol or ad hominem attacks. There is too much of that already in the electronic aether.
If you prefer to comment privately, you can visit the Contact Me page. There you will find an email link to me, the author, for comments or feedback you may for whatever reason choose not to share in a public Conversation.